Tuesday, 20 March 2012

Prowl 2010

A girl needs to leave her shitty little home town. a group of her friends all decide to help. they break down. they get picked up by a truck driver. they get dumped in a warehouse.... then they all get eaten by vampires. now this might sound a bit generic and 'seen it all before' but other than the first act, which just reeks of first year screen writing student. the film turns into something quite interesting. by the half way point you will know where its going but its gory bloody and jumpy en route. the acting is all good, it looks like it cost far more than it did. the jumps are jumpy and although theres not much onscreen blood, it tends to splash over every avaliable surface so it feels gorier than it is. a worthy waste of 90 mins.

BLOOD/VIOLENCE - 3/5 - splashy blood and a decapitated head
SEX/NUDITY - 1/5 - a sort of semi naked game of truth or dare
SCARES - 3/5 - the 2nd half ramps it up quite well

FILM - worth a watch, probably only once

Thursday, 8 March 2012

Urban Explorers 2011

Four 20 somethings meet up with a german bloke in berlin who they pay to show them some nazi bunker in an underground walled in tunnel complex... the fools. rule no.1, dont fuck about with nazi experiment stuff. it'll always end up with someone tied to a chair getting blow torched. or skinned. or getting stabbed etc etc. the first half of this was pretty good but once the violence got going it just got boring. they could have cut 3 seconds out and it would have been a 15, you dont care about anyone, they keep making stupid choces and ending up dismembered and decorating the fridge, its just silly.

BLOOD/VIOLENCE - 2/5 - a nice live skinning
SEX/NUDITY - 1/5 - 2 girls kiss for about 2 seconds
SCARES - 2/5 - creepy for about half an hour

FILM - 2/5 - alright but kinda boring and not violent enough