Sunday, 4 September 2011


Another film shown at frightfest on the little screen. a woman going through a divorce moves into a flat with her dog, one night the phone rings and a woman on the other end starts asking about stuff that happened 40 years ago. the phone is 'of course' some sort of time portal thing and the two woman communicate for a while until the present woman inadvertanly tells the past woman to kill her husband, which changes the future and present womans life starts to unravel. by killing her husband past woman no longer kills herself and starts controlling present womans life. she hunts down and kills her friends in the past so stop existing in the present. then she sets her sights on the present woman but when she was a little girl. to say more would ruin everything, but it gets pretty messed up.

BLOOD/VIOLENCE - 2/5 - lots and lots of threat but no proper splashy blood
SEX/NUDITY - 2/5 - a sex scene with magic hair that keeps covering up nipples
SCARES - 4/5 - once it kicks in its creepy as hell

FILM - 4/5 - top atmos, top acting, top film

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