Friday, 30 September 2011

Territories (checkpoint) 2010

Territories, known as checkpoint in the uk, is a mental little film from canada. a group of twenty somethings are driving back fom a wedding at their friends house in canada. they get stopped on a backroad as they cross he usa border by a border patrol. everything goes tits up. the border patrol are really a couple of fanatical american ex soldiers who have taken it upon themselves to protect their country. so before you can say guantamano the group are dressed in orange jumpsuits having bright lights shined in their eyes and being forced to listlen to really loud gabba. nothing really improves for them and there is no light at the end of the tunnel. great ending, great acting and great subversion of traditional script writing. top shit all round.

BLOOD/VIOLENCE - 3/5 - a few nasty bits, some 'ouch' tooth surgery.
SEX/NUDITY - 2/5 - they are sometimes stripped before torture time
SCARES - 4/5 - really puts you off driving from canada to the usa

FILM - 4/5 - sustained horrible goings on, def worth a watch

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