Sunday, 19 June 2011

Acolytes 2008

A couple of teenagers in australia see a bloke burying something in the woods, thinking its drugs or money they go back to the spot later to dig it up, only to discover its a corpse. instead of going to the police they decide to blackmail the killer to murder a man who molested them when they were younger. with a plan like that, what could possibly go wrong...
well, everything that can go wrong does. the killer starts on a little plan of his own, the bloke who molested them as kids is still a total psycho and the teenagers arnt exactly stable, chaos, kidnap, stabbings and head crushings ensue.
acolytes is well made, acted and although its got a low budget it looks like they at least had a decent camera and director of photography. theres some hard to keep up with twisty turny stuff at the end but its still a pretty damn good film.

BLOOD/VIOLENCE - 3/5 - not much but its pretty brutal when it happens
SEX/NUDITY - 2/5 - teenagers have sex with their clothes on
SCARES - 3/5 - not much 'boo' but plenty of tension

FILM - 3/5 - a worthy australian low budget horror

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