Friday, 17 June 2011

Proie (Prey) 2010

Now im a keen fan of killer pig films and i love a good modern french horror film so i was really looking forward to 'prey'. alas aside from the last 10 minutes or so its a french melodrama in killer pig film clothing. lots of 'oh but im pregnant how can i tell my dad' and not enough 'shit shit im being eaten by a mutant pig'. granted by the end everyone is covered in blood and waving axes about but theres no emotional bond to anyone, in fact i felt most sorry for the pig, its not its fault it drank some contaminated water, if the bloody stupid humans hadnt turned up it might have just gone about its big pig business.
For giant killer pig film completists only.

BLOOD/VIOLENCE - 3/5 lots of blood but its all in the dark
SEX/NUDITY - 0/5 - nothing
SCARES - 2/5 - a couple of jumpy pig moments

FILM - 2/5 - its all set in darkness and there was to much talking and not enough pig

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