Monday, 13 June 2011

The Shrine 2010

Three young american journalists wander off to eastern europe to follow up a missing persons case. They get to the last place he was known to be and get a hostile reception from the locals, which they ignore. They investigate a strange fog in the woods and before you can say 'should have listened to the kid who said get away from this place' hell is unleashed in squirmy, intestine ripping fashion.
 The shrine started off feeling like a low budget badly acted piece of nonsense, but it fully redeems itself about half way through when a girl encounters a statue in the fog. from then on it goes all witchfinder general. mad monks hammer spikey masks onto people, young children get ripped up, im pretty sure someone got there hand sawn off at some point as well. always a bonus.
If you struggle through the first act the rest of the film is worth the effort, if your a fan of psycho monks and occult demon stuff, you'll love it.

BLOOD/VIOLENCE - 3/5 - its gory but a lot of the deaths happen off screen.
SEX/NUDITY - 2/5 - a shower scene, and you cant sacrifice someone without stripping them first
SCARES - 3/5 - from the bit with the statue it does the job

FILM - 3/5 - crap first half, great last half hour.

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