Wednesday 29 February 2012

Evidence 2011

Hmmm, long break, long story. anyway....evidence is a found footage film. now before you think 'fuck that, ive had enough' think again. 4 friends (although they dont seem to get on, so why hang out?) go camping, one of them is filming a documentary on his friends first camping trip. the characters are just normal slaughter fooder, one of them is blond and wears tiny shorts etc. but, after half hour of generic nonsense and several moments where i thought about turning it off it suddenly goes a bit epic and a bit unexpectably mental. within about a minute it turns from blair witch rip off to a fully charged nutcase action horror film, 2 dead bodies in the first hour, more than i could count in the last 30 minutes, blood, monsters, zombies, mad scientists.... its all there.

BLOOD/VIOLENCE - 4/5 - dismemberment and savagery abound
SEX/NUDITY - 2/5 - a couple of nipples
SCARES - 3/5 - after some normal jumpy bits it really goes for it

FILM - 4/5 - loved it, an unexpected mental treat