Friday 22 July 2011

The devils rock 2011

Two comandos turn up on an island the day before d-day to blow up a radio base. once they get inside they find a lot of torn apart german soldiers, a living german soldier and a demon succubus chained up in the basement. the germans have been trying to raise a demon to help out with the war and now they cant control it. after one of the commandos dies its left to the surving one and the german to send the creature back to hell, theres some blood and carnage on the way.

BLOOD/VIOLENCE - 3/5 - the usual face smashing intestine flying behaviour
SEX/NUDITY - 2/5 - the succubus woman tends to have her tits out
SCARES - 2/5 - a bit of dread and atmosphere

FILM - 3/5 - harmless 90 mins of demonic entertainment

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