Wednesday 2 May 2012

Outpost 2 : Black Sun 2012

Outpost 2 is a nazi zombie film which, as dead snow and outpost have proved,means it cant fail. a woman nazi hunter is searching for a death commander type (who would be about 90 years old) she is joined by a physics bloke who says he knows stuff that can help. they are then joined by a british special forces group who are heading in the same direction. the one thing they all have in commen is they end up killing some nazi zombies, and trying to turn off/blow up some zombie machine in a basement, which if they dont turn off will result in them all getting nuked. its great, it takes itself seriously and theres unstoppable zombies with big daggers stabbing anyone they come across.

BLOOD/VIOLENCE - 3/5 - much stabbing and head battering
SEX/NUDITY - 0/5 - nothing,
SCARES - 3/5 - its ominous throughout

FILM - 3/5 - add an extra point if zombie films are your thing

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